

Prof. Domenico Giardini, ETHZ

Deputy Head

Prof. François Avellan, EPFL

Managing Office

Manager Dr. Gianfranco Guidati, ETHZ
Outreach Barbara Naegeli, ETHZ
Outreach Michèle Marti, ETHZ
Administration Renate Bloch, ETHZ

Work Package Leaders

WP1 Prof. Lyesse Laloui, EPFL
WP2 Prof. Robert Boes, ETHZ
WP3 Prof. Cécile Münch-Alligné, HES-SO
WP4 Dr. Peter Burgherr, PSI
WP5 Prof. Andrea Moscariello, UNIGE

Task Coordinators

1.1 Resource exploration and characterization Prof. Larryn Diamond, UNIBE
1.2 Reservoir stimulation and engineering Prof. Thomas Driesner, ETHZ
1.3 Hydrothermal heat exploitation and storage Prof. Andrea Moscariello, UNIGE
1.4 Geo-data infrastructure and analysis Olivier Lateltin, swisstopo

2.1 Morpho-climatic controls Dr. Manfred Stähli, WSL
2.2 Infrastructure adaptation Dr. Pedro Manso, EPFL
2.3 Environmental impacts of future operating conditions Dr. Martin Schmid, Eawag
2.4 Integrated simulation of systems operation Prof. Paolo Burlando, ETHZ

3.1 Innovation technologies Prof. Cécile Münch-Alligné, HES-SO
3.2 Computational energy innovation Prof. Rolf Krause, USI

4.1 Risk, safety, and societal acceptance Prof. Stefan Wiemer, SED
4.2 Global observatory of electricity resources Dr. Peter Burgherr, PSI
4.3 Socio-economic-political drivers Prof. Michael Stauffacher, ETHZ
4.4 Joint activity scenarios and modeling Dr. Gianfranco Guidati, ETHZ

Demo-1 Flagship stimulation experiments in deep underground laboratories Dr. Falko Bethmann, Geo-Energie
Demo-2 Reservoir engineering for heat exchange in Haute-Sorne Dr. Peter Meier, Geo-Energie
Demo-3 Geneva basin-scale hydrothermal play for heat exchange and storage Prof. Andrea Moscariello, UNIGE
Demo-4 CO2 geological storage pilot Prof. Martin Saar, ETHZ
Demo-5 Small hydropower plant Prof. Cécile Münch-Alligné, HES-SO
Demo-6 Controlled fine sediment release from a reservoir by a hydrodynamic mixing device Prof. Anton Schleiss, EPFL
Demo-7 Complex large hydropower scheme Dr. Pedro Manso, EPFL


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